

Various Commitees of Departments

1 Administrative Assignments

CSCA Advisory Commitee Prof. Promil Rahi, Prof. Ritesh Sharma, Prof. Sandeep Sharma
Faculty time Table Monitoring & Advisory Commitee Prof. Promila Rahi, Prof. Khushwant Singh
Campus Development Commitee Prof. Manorma Devi, Prof. Khushwant Singh, Sh. Atma Ram
Time Table Commitee Prof. Promil Rahi, Prof. Khushwant Singh, Prof. Manorma Devi
UGC Affairs Commitee Prof. Khushwant Singh, Sh. Tejendre Kumar Sharma, Sh. Atma Ram
RUSA Advisory Commitee Prof. Sandeep Sharma, Prof. Khushwant Singh, Prof. Ritesh Sharma
RUSA Affairs Commitee Prof. Sandeep Sharma, Prof. Khushwant Singh, Prof. Ritesh Sharme
Bus Pass Attestation Commitee Prof. Manorma Devi, Prof. Khushwant Singh, Prof. Ritesh Sharma
College Property Maintenance Commitee Prof. Promil Rahi, Prof. Khushwant Singh, Prof. Ritesh Sharma
Campus Beautification Commitee Prof. Manorma Devi, Prof. Khushwant Singh, Sh. Atma Ram
House Examination Commitee Prof. Promil Rahi, Prof. Sandeep Sharma
Book Bank Commitee All Staff
Scholarship Commitee Prof. Promil Rahi, SH. Tejinder Kumar Sharma, Prof. Promil Rahi
Leave Sanctioning Authority ( up to 6 days) Principal & Concerning Teacher
Anti Ragging and Discipline Commitee Prof. Promil Rahi ( Mob. No. 94184-54381), Prof. Khushwant SIngh ( Mob. No. 94594-40033), Prof. Ritesh Sharma ( Mob. No. 97367-20886)
Red Cross Commitee Prof. Manorma, Atma Ram
Scout and Guide Commitee Prof. Ritesh Sharma, Prof. Manorma Devi
Student Grievances Commitee Prof. Sandeep Sharma, Prof. Khushwant Singh

2. Co-curricular Assignments

Magzine ( Editorial Board ) Prof. Ritesh Sharma, Prof. Snadeep Sharma, Prof. Manorma Devi
Chief Editor Prof. Promil Rahi

3. Miscellanous Co-curricular Assignment

Miscellanous Co-curricular Assignment Prof. Sandeep Sharma
Coordinator Prof. Khushwant Singh
Debates, Quiz, On the Spot Painting, Essay Writing, Poster Making, Rangoli, Mehandi, Fiolk Dance, Drama, One act Play, Skit & Mime.
Career Guidance Cell Prof. Ritesh Sharma
Hostel Commitee All Staff Govt. Sanskrit College Sunder-Nagar (H.P.).

The following table gives a summary of an under graduate program :-

Sr. No. Course Name Number of Course Credits per course Total Credits
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
1. Compulsory Course & Skill based Course 3 6 3 9 18
2. Course 14 4 56
3. Elective Courses 10 13 4 40 52 or more
4. General Interest & Hobby Courses 1 3 1 to 3 1 9
Total 28 36 1 to 4
106 or more 135 or more

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